West Nissouri Stamps offers many stamps by way of online auctions. At all sites listed below my selling name is the "Fatdane" There is generally a nice selection available from all the areas I deal in, Scandinavia, Great Britain & the British Commonwealth, Canada & Provinces , and the Baltic States. The links below will take you to see what I am offering . I try to offer different material at each site so please check all sites


This is a an online auction site that is more user friendly than the larger auction sites, and is set up so I can offer lower priced stamps along with higher priced stamp, . My feed back at Hipstamp is over 10,000. Hipstamp has replaced the Stanley Gibbons Marketplace & Bidstart sites. To see what the Fatdane has listed click West Nissouri Stamps at Hipstamp


I have been selling at Ebay for about 20 years now and have positive feedback of over 9000. To see what stamps the Fatdane has listed go to

Canadian Stamp dealers Association Auction Site

This is a new site where all the sellers are members of the Canadian Stamp dealers Association. To see what stamps the Fatdane has listed go to
West Nissouri Stamps at Canadian Stamp Dealers Association

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